perm filename MEM[OLD,BGB] blob sn#099404 filedate 1974-04-26 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00004 00002	4.0	MEMORY  -  DATA STRUCTURES.
C00006 00003	4.1	The Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.
C00013 00004	6.2 Three image formats: Video, CRE and FEV.
C00017 00005	KINDS OF CRE NODES.
C00028 00008	
C00033 00009	4.3	Representation of a Geometric Mental Universe.
C00039 00011	4.5	GEOMED Node Formats.
C00043 00012	 2  U	Universe
C00045 00013	 4  C	Camera
C00047 00014	 6  D	Window
C00049 00015	14  B	Body
C00051 00016	16  E	Edge
C00054 00017	4.6 CRE NODE FORMATS.
C00058 00018	CRE Node Rellocation Bits.
C00060 00019	1. VECTOR & 2. ARC NODE FORMAT.
C00065 00020	3. POLYGON NODE FORMAT.
C00069 00021	4. SHAPE NODE FORMAT.
C00074 00022	5. LEVEL NODE FORMAT.
C00077 00023	6. IMAGE NODE FORMAT.
C00081 00024	7. FILM NODE FORMAT.
C00084 00025	8. EMPTY NODE FORMAT.
C00091 00027	4.7 	Critique.
C00092 ENDMK

	4.0	Introduction.
	4.1	The Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.
	4.2	Three Image Representations: Video, FEV and CRE.
	4.3	Representation of a 3-D Mental Universe.
	4.4	Other Geometric Entities.
	4.5	GEOMED Node Formats.
	4.6	CRE Node Formats.
	4.7	Critique.

4.0	Introduction.

	In order to get a computer to deal with the physical world it
must  have  a  data representation  on  which  computations involving
space, time, shape, size and the appearance of things can be done. In
this  chapter,  a  particular representation  for  physical  objects,
images and  associated entities is explained. The data structures has
been implemented  as small  blocks of words  containing pointers  and
data in the fashion usual to graphics and simulation; an introduction
to this  technology  can  be  found in  Knuth.  Although  the  latest
language of implementation  is PDP-10 machine code,  earlier versions
were coded in LISP and SAIL with LEAP.
4.1	The Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.

	A polyhedron  in  made up  of four  kinds  of nodes:  bodies,
faces, edges and  vertices. The body node is the head of three rings:
a ring of faces, a  ring of edges and  a ring of vertices. Each  face
and each  vertex points at  one of the  edges on its  perimeter. Each
edge  points at its  two faces  and its two  vertices. Completing the
structure, each  edge  node  contains a  link  to  each of  its  four
immediate  neighboring edges clockwise  and counter  clockwise around
face (vertex) perimeters. These last  four pointers are the wings  of
the edge,   which  provide the  basis for  efficient face and  vertex
perimeter  accessing.   Finally,the links  of the  edge nodes  can be
ordered in a consistent fashion over the surface of any polyhedron so
that the  surface always has two  sides: the inside and  the outside.
Klein bottles and worse are precluded by the data structure.

	Observe that  there are twenty-two  link fields in  the basic
representation: bodies contain six links, faces three, vertices three
and edges ten. Thus the least number of different link field names we
need to  coin is ten; if  we warn the  reader in advance that  a link
name such  as PED has different roles depending on whether it applies
to a body, face, edge or vertex.

TABLE	   Data Structure			Link Names

   	1. Face Ring of a Body.			NFACE	PACE
	2. Edge Ring of a Body.			NED	PED
 	3. Vertex Ring of a Body.		NVT	PVT

	4. First Edge of a Vertex.			PED
	5. First Edge of a Face.			PED

	6. The two faces of an edge:		NFACE	PFACE
	7. The two vertices of an edge:		NVT	PVT
	8. The four wing edges of an edge:	NCW	PCW

	(As viewed from the exterior of a solid).

			\	  /
		 NCCW(E) \	 / PCW(E)
	                  \     /
	                   \   /      
	                    \ /
	                     ⊗ PVT(E)
               NFACE(E)      E         PFACE(E)
	              NVT(E) ⊗
	                    / \
	                   /   \        
	                  /     \
		  NCW(E) /	 \ PCCW(E)
			/	  \

	A face,   edge or vertex can only  belong to one body  and so
there is only one body node in a given face, edge or vertex ring; and
that body node serves as the head of the ring. The reason  for double
pointer rings is  for the sake of rapid deletion,  which allows local
alterations to a polyhedron's topology without any list searching.

	As  figure 2.2  suggests,  four of  these eight  pointers are
stored in the same positions and referred to by the same names as the
face and vertex  ring pointers; namely the NFACE,  PFACE, NVT and PVT

	There are four ways in  which a pair of  faces and a pair  of
vertices can  be placed into  the two face  positions and  two vertex
positions  of  an  edge.  By  constraining  these choices  edges  can
independently  indicate  both  a  linear  direction  and   a  surface

	The single winged edge pointer found in faces and vertices is
kept  in the  position named PED  and it points  to one  of the edges
belonging to that face or vertex. Although the vertices in figure 2.2
are shown  with three edges, vertices  may have any  number of edges;
those other potential edges would not be directly connected to E  and
so were not shown.

6.2 Three image formats: Video, CRE and FEV.


	The two generic data structures of CRE  are arrays and nodes;
there are  five kinds of arrays  and eight kinds of  nodes.

  The node
structures is implemented as seven word  fixed sized
blocks. The data structure in CRE  represents a  sequence in
time of video  intensity contour maps.   Such contour  maps are  like
topographical elevation  contour maps, in  that no two  contour lines
should  ever cross and in  that all the contour  lines should close.
Consequently,  the loops  of  contours  enclose  regions;  and  these
regions  overlap  in  a  nested  fashion forming  a  tree  like  data

	As  the  general  examples  of  contoured  images  on page  5
illustrate, a notion that is  emphatically not in CRE,  is that  of a
schematic line drawing.   Although the CRE output can  be viewed as a
collection of lines  on a display  screen,  people  expecting a  line
drawing  rendition   of  the   given  television   picture  will   be
disappointed.    A CRE  picture  is a  simple  transformation  of the
photometry,   geometry  and topology  of  the original  video  image;
whereas  the typical  line  drawing  from a  human  illustrator is  a
representation  of the scene without  photometric information. On the
other  hand,   the  work  of  an  artist  such as  Peter  Max;  or  a
paint-by-the-numbers grid  does resembly CRE output.   This is not an
idle coincidance  but rather  a  consequence of  whether or  not  the
artist is trying to represent photometric data by quantum lines.

	The explanation of  CRE node structures will be  presented in
three  parts: first,   the  several  kinds of  nodes will  be briefly
explained; second,   the  sub  structures such  as rings,  trees  and
lists  will be  discribed; and  third,   the node  formats and  their
contents  will be  explained in  detail.

	The are  eight kinds of  CRE nodes: Vector,   Arc,   Polygon,
Shape,  Image, Level, Film and Empty.

1. At  the very top of all the structure is  the film node,  the film
node is unique  and serves as  an OBLIST from  which all other  nodes
may  be reached.   The  film node  embodies the  idea of  a piece  of
celluloid  film or  a length  of magnetic  video tape.   A film  is a
sequence of images  taken by the same  camera of the same  scene with
only a small amount of action between images.

2. An  image node represents the  familiar two dimensional  idea of a
photograph or an oil  painting or to be  exact a digital video  image
of 216 rows by 288  columns of numbers ranging from 0 for  dark to 63
for bright.   The image is formed by a  thin lens and is projected on
a flat image  plane. The idea  of an image  is so  common that it  is
easy to overlook the wonder of  sun light scattering off of surfaces,
refracting  thru a lens, and forming a  complex pattern called a real

3.  Below the image node are the intensity  contour levels. A contour
level is a binary image  that results from thresholding a gray scaled
image. So an image  is composed of  levels, and in  turn, a level  is
composed of polygons.

4.   A  Polygon node  represents the  idea  of a  contour loop  which
always  closes upon  itself and  does not cross  itself or  any other
contour. Contour loops are approximated by a ring of  vectors; hence,
the term "polygon".  The contour polygons always have  at least three
sides and are simply connected.

5. Shape nodes contain data about one or two  polygons. The data in a
shape node  is not a positive representation  of the notion of shape;
but is  rather the parameters  of allignment  and normalization  that
must be compensated before shapes can be compared.

6. Vector nodes contain the locus  of an image vertex; however  since
vectors always  belong to a  polygon and  always have two  neighbors;
their  counterclockwise  neighbor is  considered  to  determine their
vector direction.

7.  Arc  nodes are  vectors that  are made by  the polygon  smoothing
routine; one  arc typically replace  several vectors. When  both arcs
and vectors  are being discussed; vectors are strictly horizontal and
vertical, whereas arcs may point in any direction.

8.   Empty  nodes are  an artifact  of the  fixed  node size  dynamic
storage  allocation mechanism  used  in CRE.   Entities  are  made by
taking empty nodes  from an  AVAIL list  and entities  are killed  by
returning  their  node  to  the  AVAIL  list;  there  is  no  garbage
collector,  but there is a space compactor.
	Nodes  contain either  numerical data  or  pointers to  other
nodes;  such  node  pointers are  actual  machine  addresses and  are
called links. The positions within a node where a link is  stored are
named and  are reserved for particular  uses. In the table  below the
11  link names  and 13 datum  names are  introduced.   The link names
will always appear capitalized.


		CW	clockwise
		CCW	counter clockwise
		DAD	parent of node up a tree structure.
		SON	descendent of a node down a tree structure.
		ENDO	Greek for inside, polygon within.
		EXO	Greek for outside, surrounding polygon.
		ALT	alternate.
		NGON	negative polygon.
		PGON	positive polygon.
		NTIME	negative in real time, into the past.
		PTIME	positive in real time, into the future.


	   Boolean datums.

		type		type of node bits.
		reloc		rellocation of node bits.

	   Fixed point datums.

		row		row of image locus.
		col		column of image locus.
		cntrst		contrast of an edge, vector and arc.
		ncnt		number count, various uses.

	   Floating point datums.

		zdepth		z depth from camera lens center.
		perm		length of perimeter.
		area		area in pixel units.
		mxx		moment of inertia about X axis.
		myy		moment of inertia about Y axis.
		mzz		moment of inertia about Z axis.
		pxy		product of inertia with respect
				to the X and Y axes.

	CRE inputs an image into an array  called TVBUF; it makes the
node structures, some  of which are temporary; and it outputs a final
version  of  the  structure  representing  a  film  of   images.  The
temporary structures  are relevant to understanding  the process; but
only  the  final  structure is  relevant  to using  CRE  output.   In
summary, the important structures are:

		1. Image ring of the film.
		2. Level ring of an image.
		3. Polygon ring of a level.
		4. Vector ring of a polygon.

		1. The tree of rings.
		2. The tree of nested polygons.

		1. Time line lists.
		2. The empty node list.

		1. Arc rings of polygons.
		2. Fusion shape rings of levels.

		1. TVBUF - 216 rows, 288 columns of  6 bit bytes.
		2. PAC   - 216 rows, 288 columns of  1 bit bytes.
		3. VSEG  - 216 rows, 289 columns of  1 bit bytes.
		4. HSEG  - 217 rows, 288 columns of  1 bit bytes.
		5. SKY   - 216 rows, 289 columns of 18 bit bytes.

	There is one  film node.  The film  is composed of a  ring of
images.   Each image is composed of a ring  of levels.  Each level is
composed of a ring  of polygons. Each polygon  is composed of a  ring
of vectors.  The ring structures  are implemented with the four links
named  DAD, SON,   CW and  CCW.  The  rings are headless  only in the
sense that all the elements of a ring are brothers;  a pointer to the
head of a ring is stored  in the DAD link of each element. The DAD of
the film node is  NIL; and NIL  is an 18-bit zero.  The final SON  of
all vector nodes  is also NIL. The DAD  and SON links form a  tree of
	Besides the  tree  of rings,   there  is the  tree of  nested
polygons.   The  nested  polygon tree  is implemented  with  the four
links named ENDO, EXO,  NGON and  PGON.  The EXO of a polygon  points
at its  surronding polygon. The  ENDO of a  polygon points at  one of
the  polygons that may be enclaved within  the given polygon; and the
NGON and PGON links  form a ring of  polygons that have the  same EXO

	The time line  lists run thru arc and polygon  nodes.  In the
simple  case,    the  time  line  links  of  a  polygon  point  to  a
corresponding polygon  in the  image previous  (NTIME) or  subsequent
(PTIME)  of the  current polygon. The  correspondence being  that the
time polygon  is  exactly  the  same intensity  at  nearly  the  same
location, orientation, and size as the  given polygon. In the case of
polygon  fusion, the  time line link  of a  polygon points  to a time
polygon of which the  given polygon becomes a  part.  In the  case of
polygon fission, the  time line link of a polygon  points to only one
the pieces into which the given polygon splits.

	The  time  line   links  of   an  arc  vector   point  to   a
corresponding arc vector in  the image previous or subsequent  of the
current  arc vector. The  polygons of arc  vectors mated  in time are
also mated in time; because  after polygon time line links have  been
made, one polygon  is temporarily translated, rotated  and dilated so
as  to have the same  lamina inertia tensor as its  mate; that is the
locus of  the arc  vectors of  one polygon  are temporarily  altered;
then  the corresponding  arc vectors  are found  and their  time line
linkages are made.

	The empty node list is maintained in the CCW link  positions;
the last empty  node contains a  zero link. All nodes  are explicitly
made  from  and killed  to the  empty  node list  by  the subroutines

	The arc ring of  a polygon is just like a  vector ring except
that  the pointer to  it is  stored in the  ALT link of  the polygon,
while the polygon has both a ring of vectors and a ring of arcs.

	The  fusion shape ring of a intensity  level runs thru the CW
and CCW links  of shape nodes and  is pointed at  by the ALT link  of
the level.  Fusion shape  nodes are the shapes generated to represent
pairs of polygons unmated in time.
4.3	Representation of a Geometric Mental Universe.

	At the top of the data structure is a  single  universe  node
from  which  everything  else can be reached.   Immediately below the
universe node is a ring  of  world  models.   A  robot  dealing  with
physical world sensor input, such as video data, has one of its world
models dedicated to simulating  the  immediate  here  and  now;  this
mental  world  is  called the reality world model. In addition to the
reality world, a robot may have  fantasy  world  models  for  problem
solving, planning or for recalling platonic object prototypes. In the
following, a two world mental universe will be the most common,  with
the  reality world being referred to as a "map" and the fantasy world
being referred to as a "dictionary".

	Geometric world models have four  basic  kinds  of  nodes:
body, face, edge and vertex. The face, edge and vertex nodes are used
to form polyhedrons which may be attached to body nodes.  Body  nodes
in  turn  are  connected  to  each other in rings and trees to form a
world model. Additional kinds of nodes  discribe  cameras  and  light
sources  as  well  as  temporary  data  such  as shadows, spines, and

	The image data structure  presented  in  this  section  is  a
computer's  internal  notation  for  what  is  vulgarly called a line
drawing; the common term is misleading because it  does  not  suggest
the  equally  important  space between the lines; terms closer to the
idea would be "mosaic drawing" or "stained glass window drawing".

The  data  structure  has  main  levels:  TV  raster,  video
intensity contour, arc contour, and region-edge.

	The top level  of the GEM  data structure is  constructed out
of  six kinds of  nodes: UNIVERSE,  WORLD, IMAGE, WINDOW,  CAMERA and
LAMP; by way  of contrast the polyhedron  data structure consists  of
BODY,  FACE, EDGE,  and VERTEX  nodes;  and the  auxillary nodes  are
classified  as EMPTY, FRAME, XNODE, YNODE  and ZNODE. Initially there
is no image  node and  only one Universe,  World, Window, Camera  and
Lamp Node. The approximate interconnections of the nodes is:

			  ←←  UNIVERSE  →→ 
			/	  ↓	    \
	 	      /	     empty nodes      \
		worlds				displays
		  ↓				  ↓
		  ↓   				windows
		  ↓				  ↓
lamps	←←←←	WORLD	 →→→→	cameras  ←←←←	WINDOW
  ↓		  ↓		  ↓		
		  ↓	      /	       \
	 	  ↓	synthetic	perceived
		  ↓	 images		 images
		  ↓	    ↓		    ↓
		  ↓	    ↓		    ↓
		  ↓	    ↓		    ↓
	       3-D bodies	2-D  bodies
		    ↓                 ↓
		 faces, edges and vertices.

	Now for  the casual  definitions of  the SIX  top nodes.  The
Universe node is unique  and all nodes are connected to it so that it
serves as an OBLIST node. The GEM universe is the mental  universe or
universe of  discourse for geometric modeling.  Immediately below the
universe node  is a ring of world nodes and a ring or displays (and a
list of empty  nodes). A world node  is for representing one  physics
like  world at a  particular moment  in time;  three kinds  of worlds
might include a  perceived here-and-now  world or map;  a desired  or
goal world; and  a world of  prototype platonic forms,  or dictionary
world.  The  world points  immediately  at a  ring  of  light sources
(lamps), a ring of physical camera models, and a ring of bodies.

4.5	GEOMED Node Formats.

 0  R	Frame

-3 |		xwc		|	X
-2 |		ywc		|	Y   World coordinates
-1 |		zwc		|	Z
 0 |		ix		|	X
 1 |		iy		|	Y   i Unit vector
 2 |		iz		|	Z
 3 |		jx		|	X
 4 |		jy		|	Y   j Unit vector
 5 |		jz		|	Z
 6 |		kx		|	X
 7 |		ky		|	Y   k Unit vector
 8 |		kz		|	Z

	The frame  node contains the  location and orientation  of an
entity with repect to world coordinates. The locus coordinates are in
centimeters. The world origin and orientation, of course, are defined
outside of GEOMED -  for the cart project the world  origin is at the
center  of the laboratory building's circular  arc 440 feet above sea
level, the  Z axis  is striaght up...  For the  hand/eye project  the
origin is  at the corner of  the table nearest the golden  arm, the Z
axis points up the X axis points towards the blue Sierra camera,  the
Y axis points towards the blue arm.
 1  M	Empty

	The list of empty nodes is maintained in the +1 cdr link.
The last empty node contains a zero address pointer. All the word
of the empty node besides -3 and 0 contain zero.
 2  U	Universe

-3 |		    Coresize 	|
-2 |		            	|
-1 |		   Block Count	|
 0 |	type		      2	|
 1 |		      Avail 	|
 2 |		    		|  Contains base of free storage for I/O
 3 |				|
 4 |		       son	|  World Ring
 5 |				|
 6 |				|
 7 |				|
 8 |				|

	The universe node is unique; it is the first node in a GEOMED
address space. Immediately accessible from the universe node is the ring
of world, the empty node list, and the ring of displays.

 3  S	SUN

-3 |				|
-2 |				|
-1 |				|
 0 |	type		      3	|
 1 |				|
 2 |				|
 3 |				|
 4 |			pwrld	|
 5 |	bro (sun ring)	sis	|
 6 |	alt		frame	|
 7 |		0		|
 8 |				|
	The sun node represents a light source, however it is very much
like a camera.
 4  C	Camera

-3 |		scalex		|
-2 |		scaley		|
-1 |		scalez		|
 0 |	type		      4	|
 1 |	pdx		ldx	|
 2 |	pdy		ldy	|	Physical and logical raster size
 3 |	focal		ldz	|
 4 |	DAD		SON	|	DAD(camera)=universe
 5 |	BRO		SIS	|	World ring
 6 |		       FRAME	|	Camera frame of reference
 7 |				|
 8 |				|
 5  W	World

-3 |				|
-2 |		pname1		|
-1 |		pname2		|
 0 |	type		      5	|
 1 |			PFACE	|	Potentially visible face list
 2 |	NED		PED	|	Ends of potentionally visible edge list
 3 |				|	After SHOW, PED is head of visible edge list
 4 |	DAD		SON	|	DAD(world)=universe
 5 |	BRO		SIS	|	World ring
 6 |			FRAME	|	World frame
 7 |	CW		CCW	|	Body ring (all bodies in this world)
 8 |				|

 6  D	Window

-3 |	sx		sy	|	Source origin
-2 |	ox		oy	|	Object origin
-1 |		mag		|	Magnification
 0 |	type	      	      6	|
 1 |	XL		XH	|	2D Clipper window
 2 |	YL		YH	|
 3 |				|
 4 |	DAD		SON	|	DAD(window)=universe
 5 |	BRO		SIS	|	World ring
 6 |	ALT		ALT2	|	ALT(window)=camera, ALT2(window)=world or image
 7 |				|
 8 |				|

 7  I	Image

-3 |				|
-2 |				|
-1 |				|
 0 |	type		      7	|
 1 |	NFACE		PFACE	|	Face ring
 2 |	NED		PED	|	Edge ring
 3 |	NVT		PVT	|	Vertex ring
 4 |	DAD		SON	|	DAD(image)=universe
 5 |	BRO		DAD	|	World ring
 6 |				|
 7 |				|
 8 |				|

14  B	Body

-3 |				|
-2 |		pname1		|
-1 |		pname2		|
 0 |	type		     14	|
 1 |	NFACE		PFACE	|	Face ring
 2 |	NED		PED	|	Edge ring
 3 |	NVT		PVT	|	Vertex ring
 4 |	DAD		SON	|	Parts tree
 5 |	BRO		SIS	|	Parts tree
 6 |	ALT		FRAME	|	ALT temporary, FRAME is body frame of reference
 7 |	CW		CCW	|	Body ring
 8 |	CAR8		CDR8	|	Reserved for users

15  F	Face

-3 |		AA		|	Face coefficients (Perspective coordinates)
-2 |		BB		|
-1 |		CC		|	AA x + BB Y + CC Z = KK
 0 |	type		     15	|
 1 |	NFACE		PFACE	|	Face ring
 2 |	(NCNT)		PED	|	PED: First Edge
 3 |		KK		|	[Face coefficient]
 4 |	(DAD)		(SON)	|	(Nested polygon tree)
 5 |	(BRO)		(SIS)	|
 6 |	ALT		POTEN	|	ALT temporary,,Potentially visible face list
 7 |		QQ		|	Photometric characteristics (4 9-bit bytes, CRBG)
 8 |	CAR8		CDR8	|	Reserved for users

16  E	Edge

-3 |	x1dc	AA	y1dc	|	2D Clipper:  Edge display coordinates
-2 |	x2dc	BB	x2dc	|	OCCULT:  2D Edge coefficients  AA Xpp + BB Ypp + CC = 0
-1 |	naf	CC	paf	|	Body Intersection: Temperaries
 0 |	type		     16	|
 1 |	NFACE		PFACE	|	Two Faces of the edge
 2 |	NED		PED	|	Edge ring
 3 |	NVT		PVT	|	Two vertices of the edge
 4 |	NCW		PCW	|	Wings:  Negative and positive clockwise
 5 |	NCCW		PCCW	|	Wings:  Negative and postive counter-clockwise
 6 |	ALT		ALT2	|	Temperaries,  ALT2 is visible edge list
 7 |	UFACE		PBODY	|	[OCCULT, BIN] Under[Over]face
 8 |	CAR8		CDR8	|	Reserved for users

17  V	Vertex

-3 |		Xwc		|	X
-2 |		Ywc		|	Y   World coordinates
-1 |		Zwc		|	Z
 0 |	type		     17	|
 1 |	xdc		ydc	|	Display coordinates (currently REAL)
 3 |	NVT		PVT	|	Vertex ring
 4 |		Xpp		|	X
 5 |		Ypp		|	Y   Perspective projected
 6 |	ALT	Zpp	ALT2	|	Z or temperary
 7 |	CAR7		CDR7	|	Temperary
 8 |	CAR8		CDR8	|	Reserved for users



	Each node  has a  word reserved  for a  boolean vector of  36
values,  or bits. The  first eighteen bits  are called  the type bits
and are individually named as follows:

 for	0	WESBIT		westward vector.
vectors	1	SOUBIT		southward vector.
 only	2	EASBIT		eastward vector.
	3	NORBIT		northward vector.
	4	NFUSE		NTIME polygon fusion.
	5	NFISS		NTIME polygon fission.
 for 	6	NEXCT		NTIME polygon exact match.
 only 	7	PFUSE		PTIME polygon fusion.
	8	PFISS		PTIME polygon fission.
	9	PEXCT		PTIME polygon exact match.
	10	HOLBIT		Hole polygon bit.
modify	11	ARCBIT		Arc vector bit.
	12	SBIT		Shape node bit.
	13	VBIT		Vertex node bit.
	14	PBIT		Polygon node bit.
	15	LBIT		Level node bit.
	16	IBIT		Image node bit.
	17	FBIT		Film node bit.

	The first four  bits WESBIT, SOUBIT, EASBIT and  NORBIT apply
only  to vectors and indicate  the direction of the  vector. The next
six bits  NFUSE, NFISS, NEXCT,  PFUSE, PFISS,  PEXCT are  set by  the
polygon compare  routine to indicate  the kind of time  mating found;
where  N and  P mean  negative time  or postive time  linkage; fusion
means that the  given polygon  and another polygon  fuse to form  the
time polygon,  two into one; fission means  the given polygon splits,
one into two; and exact means  that the given polygon matchs one  for
one with its time polygon.

	The next  two bits HOLBIT  and ARCBIT  indicate distinguished
polygons  and vectors respectively.  Only one  of the last  six bits:
SBIT,  VBIT, PBIT,  LBIT, IBIT and  FBIT may be on  in a node.  These
bits indicate the node's type.
CRE Node Rellocation Bits.

	The  next  eighteen  bits  are  called  the  reloc  bits  and
indicate whether or  not a link is stored in a particular position of
the node.  The rellocation  bits are  used to  compact  the CRE  node
space for output.

	18	unused
	19	CAR(WORD0)
	20	CDR(WORD0)

	21	unused
	22	CAR(WORD1)
	23	CDR(WORD1)

	24	unused
	25	CAR(WORD3)
	26	CDR(WORD3)

	27	unused
	28	CAR(WORD4)
	29	CDR(WORD4)

	30	unused
	31	CAR(WORD5)
	32	CDR(WORD5)

	33	unused
	34	CAR(WORD6)
	35	CDR(WORD6)

	The CAR of a word is the left half. The  CDR of a word is the
right  half. In  the node  diagrams the rellocation  of each  word is
indicated directly  to  its right  as 0,    1,   2  or 3  meaning  no
rellocation,   left only,   right only,   and rellocate  both halves,

	word |        CW         |        CCW        |
	  0  |              vector ring              | 3
	word |        DAD        |        SON        |
	  1  |      polygon      |    arc or vector  | 3
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |                   |      33 0003      |
	word |        row        |        col        |
	  3  |      0000.00      |      0000.00      | 0
	word |       cntrst      |       ncnt        |
	  4  |                   |      length       | 0
	word |                                       |
	  5  |                zdepth                 | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  6  |       NTIME   time line   PTIME       | 3

	The format of vectors  and arcs is identical. Inside  CRE the
term "vector"  has the connotation of being  strictly a horizontal or
vertical generated  by  the contouring  step;  whereas  an arc  is  a
vector  generated   by  the  smoothing  step.   Vectors  contain  the
fundamental  geometric datum of an  image locus.   The image locus is
stored in the halfword datums  named row and col,  which  contain the
row and column  of a point in units 1/64 of a  pixel. (A "pixel" is a
"picture element").  Vectors and  arcs also  contain the  photometric
datum of edge contrast.

	Vectors always  belong to a  polygon node,  a pointer to  the
polygon  of each vector is  stored in the link  named DAD; as members
of a polygon the vectors form a loop which is always connected  so that
each vertex  has a  neighboring vertex  in the  clockwise and  in the
counter  clockwise  directions about  the polygon's  perimeter; these
perimeter pointers  are stored  in the  link positions  named CW  and
CCW. Vectors never cross, arcs cross on occassions but can be fixed.

	The ncnt datum of arcs and vectors    contains  their length.
The  time line links, NTIME and PTIME,  may point  to a corresponding
arc or  vector in the  image previous  or subsequent  to the  current
image.  (The  zdepth  datum  contains a  positive  number  indicating
distance  from the  camera's image  plane; the zdepth  computation is
not properly implemented as of May 1973).

	word |        CW         |        CCW        |
	  0  |             polygon ring              | 3
	word |        DAD        |        SON        |
	  1  |       level       |     1st vector    | 3
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |        10         |      33 3233      |
	word |       ENDO        |        EXO        |
	  3  |1st polygon within |polygon surround me| 3
	word |       ALT         |       ncnt        |
	  4  | shape {or 1st arc}|  number of sides  | 2
	word |       NGON        |       PGON        |
	  5  | nest bro polygon  | nest sis polygon  | 3
	word |                   |                   |
	  6  |       NTIME   time line   PTIME       | 3

	Every polygon belongs to a level pointed  at by the DAD link;
the ring  of polygons of a  level is formed in the  CW and CCW links;
the son of a  polygon is its first vector  (or arc after the  polygon
has been  smoothed) and  that first  vector has  the upper  left most
locus of any vector of the polygon.

	The  ENDO,   EXO,  NGON,   PGON are  used to  form the nested
polygon tree.   Every polygon  has non-NIL NGON  and PGON links;  the
trivial  case being that  the polygon  points at itself  twice. Every
polygon except one,  the outer  border polygon,   has  a non-NIL  EXO
link.  Every polygon that surrounds one or  more other polygons has a
non-NIL ENDO link.

	The ALT link  position of a polygon temporarily points to the
first arc  of a  polygon during  smoothing when  a  polygon has  both
vectors and arcs. The final contents of  the ALT link is a pointer to
the  shape node of the  polygon. The ncnt  datum indicates the number
of sides of the polygon.
	The time  line  of polygons  runs thru  the  NTIME and  PTIME
links which point either  to a nearly exact match of a polygon; or to
a fusion  polygon of  a two  for  one match;  or to  one of  the  two
fission parts  of a  one for  two match; (to  find the  other fission
part, the time links of the vectors must be scanned).

	word |        CW         |        CCW        |
	  0  |          fusion shape ring            | 3
	word |       perm        |       area        |
	  1  |                   |                   | 0
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |        10         |      30 0030      |
	word |        row        |        col        |
	  3  |      0000.00      |      0000.00      | 0
	word |        pxy        |        mzz        |
	  4  |product of inertia |   Z-axis moment   | 0
	word |       NGON        |       PGON        |
	  5  |   fusion polygon  |    main polygon   | 3
	word |        mxx        |        myy        |
	  6  |   X-axis moment   |   Y-axis moment   | 0

	The shape  node contains the  data necessary  for normalizing
two  polygons so that  only their  shapes remain. In  particular, the
row and col of  a shape node  is the center of  mass of the  polygon;
area is  the area;  perm is  the length of  perimeter; and  mxx, myy,
mzz,  pxy is  the polygons inertia  tensor (from  which the principle
angle of  orientation can be  computed). When  given two shapes,  the
centers of mass may be  alligned; the principle angles may be allign;
and the areas (or permeter) of the two may be normalized.

	There are  two  kinds of  shapes: polygon  shapes and  fusion
shapes. Polygon  shapes correspond to a single  polygon pointed at by
the PGON link.  The CW,  CCW and NGON  links of a  polygon shape  are
NIL. Fusion  shapes are  temporary nodes  belonging to  a level  as a
ring  thru CW and CCW.  Fusion shapes correspond  to the summation of
two unmated  polygons  which are  pointed  to by  the NGON  and  PGON
links. The expressions relating to  the inertia tensor  and to fusion
summation are given in the section on polygon comparing.

	The datums named perm,  area, pxy,  mxx, myy, mzz contain the
left  half of a PDP-10  floating number.  (Technical  note: half of a
floating number has  9 bits of  precision and  should be expanded  to
full word by  using the (mirabile dictu !) HLLE  instruction in order
to  avoid an illegal floating zero  caused by truncating numbers like
-1023.0; in CRE, only the product of inertia will ever be negative).

	word |        CW         |        CCW        |
	  0  |              level ring               | 3
	word |        DAD        |        SON        |
	  1  |       image       |     1st polygon   | 3
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |                   |      33 0200      |
	word |                   |                   |
	  3  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |       ALT         |       ncnt        |
	  4  | (1st fusion shape)|threshold cut level| 2
	word |                   |                   |
	  5  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  6  |       ---         |       ---         | 0

	Every level belongs to  an image pointed to by  the DAD link;
the  ring of levels of  an image is  formed in the CW  and CCW links;
the son of  a level is its  first polygon and  that first polygon  is
the upper left most polygon of the level.

	The ncnt datum  of a level contains its  threshold cut value,
which  is an  integer  between -1  and 63.   The  -1 level  is always
generated, and it contains a single polygon with four  sides.  The -1
level's polygon is called  the border polygon; the fiction being that
every point  beyond  the  edges  of  the  televsion  picture  has  an
intensity value of -2, which is blacker than black.

	The ALT link of a level contains  a temporary pointer to that
level's ring of fusion shapes during polygon compare time mating.

	word |        CW         |        CCW        |
	  0  |              image ring               | 3
	word |        DAD        |        SON        |
	  1  |        film       |     1st level     | 3
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |                   |      33 0000      |
	word |                   |                   |
	  3  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  4  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  5  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  6  |       ---         |       ---         | 0

	Every image belongs to  the film pointed to by  the DAD link;
the  ring of images of  the film is  formed in the CW  and CCW links;
the son of an image  is its first level  and that first level is  the
-1 intensity cut level of the image.

	Although an  affront to  common sense, the  counter clockwise
direction  about the image ring is positive  or later in time and the
clockwise direction is negative  or earlier in time. I  achieved this
curio  by consistently  adhereing to  the mathematical  convention of
counter clockwise as positive; and a day came when counter  clockwise
around a ring of real time events was  represented in the same manner
as counter clockwise around a polygonal ring of edges.

	All the empty space in the image node is reserved for camera
specification data.

	word |                   |        CCW        |
	  0  |                   |     1st empty     | 1
	word |        DAD        |        SON        |
	  1  |         0         |     1st image     | 3
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |                   |      33 0000      |
	word |                   |                   |
	  3  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  4  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  5  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  6  |       ---         |       ---         | 0

	The film  node  is unique;  it is  the  first node  in a  CRE
output file;  the SON of film  is its first image; the  DAD of a film
is NIL;  the CCW  of a  film  is a  pointer to  the 1st  empty  node;
however,  because  the  nodes  are  compacted  for  output  and  then
relocated  with  respect  to  the film  node;  the  final  empty node
pointer indicates the number of words of data in the CRE file.

	word |                   |        CCW        |
	  0  |       ---         |       avail       | 1
	word |                   |                   |
	  1  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |       type        |       reloc       |
	  2  |                   |      00 0000      |
	word |                   |                   |
	  3  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  4  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  5  |       ---         |       ---         | 0
	word |                   |                   |
	  6  |       ---         |       ---         | 0

	The  list of  empty  nodes  is  maintained in  the  CCW  link
postion; the last  empty node contains a zero or NIL link. At present
all the other words of an empty node are zero.

FIGURE SHOWING RASTER STRUCTURE._____________________________________

	 grid point R,C			 R,C+1
       ←←←WEST        VSEG   PIXEL(R,C)		EAST→→→
		        o     SOUTH
 		  R+1,C		↓

	There are five arrays in CRE:  TVBUF, Television Buffer; PAC,
Picture  Accumulator;  VSEG,   vertical segments;  HSEG,   horizontal
segments; and SKY, background sky blue array. The dimensions are:

		1. TVBUF - 216 rows, 288 columns of  6 bit bytes.
		2. PAC   - 216 rows, 288 columns of  1 bit bytes.
		3. VSEG  - 216 rows, 289 columns of  1 bit bytes.
		4. HSEG  - 217 rows, 288 columns of  1 bit bytes.
		5. SKY   - 216 rows, 289 columns of 18 bit bytes.

	Inside CRE,  the video image  size was fixed  at 216  rows of
288  columns of 6 bits  per pixel.   My original idea was  to write a
vision operator that would be applied on a small fixed  sized window;
so I have  had windows 2 by 2;  2 by 3; 4  by 9; 32 by 36;  72 by 96;
and  216  by 288.    That is  216=2*2*2*3*3*3  and 288=2*2*2*2*2*3*3.
Having a fixed  window size avoids a  morass of word packing,   array
allocation  and window splicing.   Having  a window  size constructed
out of powers  of 2 and  3 simplifies what  word packing is  required
and allows me to do area and space computations in my head.

	The image arrays  of CRE are  of course two  dimensional with
the coordinates  in row and columns. Row  number increases going down
image, in the  negative Y axis  direction, which  is also called  the
direction south.   Column numbers increase going right  on the image,
in the  positive X axis direction, which is also called the direction
east.   Video  picture  elements,   or  "pixels"  are thought  of  as
expressing  the intensity of  a square  cell; the cells  are numbered
from 0 to 215 rows,   0 to 287 columns; the  number of a cell is  the
grid locus of its upper left (northwest)  corner; the center locus of
a  cell is at (row+1/5,col+1/2).  A pixel cell is  surrounded by four
segments; the horizontal segments  are numbered 0  to 216 rows, 0  to
287 columns;  the number  of an HSEG  is the grid  locus of  its left
(west)  end point. The vertical segments are  numbered 0 to 215 rows,
0 to  288 columns; the  number of  a VSEG  is the grid  locus of  its
upper  (north) end  point.  These conventions  are  suggested in  the
diagram at the bottom of page 19.
4.7 	Critique.

	The most glaring flaw  in the present data structure  is that
there is two of them: a 2-D CRE structure and a 3-D GEOMED structure.
This difficulty  arose  because the  directly addressible  memory  on
Stanford A.I.  computer varies between  100K to 150K  words. Although
the PDP-KA10  address space is 256K, there was no "virtual memory" or
paging at Stanford and so the problem had to broken up in someway.